We aimed to increase awareness and knowledge of AI technology and its applications among young and youngentrepreneurs by creating practical guidance called AI for Young Entrepreneurship (AI4YE), which includes informationabout AI and young entrepreneurs, field research and best practice reports, and a collection of ethical considerations andrules for using AI.
Artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t just a massive scientific discipline—it’s one of the fastest-growing marketplaces in tech.According to Stanford University’s AI 100 Index of AI startups, the number of active AI startups has grown fourteenfoldsince 2000. VC investment has grown six times over the same period.
AI is already proficient at saving time on universal business initiatives like copywriting, social post scheduling, imagecreation and editing, and even forecasting cash flow. If you don't think it's widely in use on the corporate level, consider thatthree months after ChatGPT's public release, it had racked up over 1B visits. Today's tools, especially the free ones likeChatGPT, aren't perfect; founders will still need resources to QA every AI output for red flags. But even 60% proficiency atbasic business and marketing tasks can provide significant time savings.